ASCRS Program

2024 ASCRS Continuing Medical Education

Claiming Credits for the 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting

The online evaluation site for the 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting is closed. To claim CME credit for 2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting or 2024 ASCRS Subspecialty Day, please complete the ASCRS CME Credit Request Form.

ASCRS CME Request Form

2024 ASCRS Annual Meeting Certificate of Attendance (No Credit)

To receive a Certificate of Attendance, visit the Registration Resource Center, log in using your Badge ID and email address associated with your meeting registration, and select the Certificate of Attendance button.

Can I earn CME credit for viewing presentations online?

Credits may be claimed for attending sessions live OR viewing sessions online up to the maximum 32.0 hours designated for the Annual Meeting and 6.5 hours designated for ASCRS Subspecialty Day. Credits can be claimed via the online Evaluation & Credit Claim tool through April 29, 2024. 

2024 ASCRS Continuing Medical Education

CME Mission Statement

ASCRS’ continuing medical education mission is to improve the competence of ophthalmologists/anterior segment surgeons by offering an avenue for the presentation and discussion of innovative techniques and technologies and fostering an open environment where current practices are presented and questions and improvements in patient care are continually sought.

Accreditation Statement

The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. ASCRS takes responsibility for the content, quality and scientific integrity of the CME activity.

Designation Statement

The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery designates the ASCRS and ASOA Programs within the ASCRS ASOA Annual Meeting for a maximum of 32 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

All CME activities approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ are valid for recognition by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). Physicians not licensed in the U.S. who participate in this CME activity are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.

Physicians can claim CME credit up to the maximum listed above for attending the Physicians Program (ASCRS), including scientific films and posters on-demand, scientific papers, courses, symposia and general sessions). Attendees registered as exhibitors, spouses, and guests are not eligible for CME credits. Note: All attendees must have their badges visit a badge verification station to be eligible to claim credits and evaluate the program.

ASCRS Annual Meeting Educational Objectives

Upon completion of the ASCRS Annual Meeting, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize and discuss current and advanced treatment strategies for anterior segment surgery, and corneal, glaucoma and retinal conditions.
  • Identify the latest developments and advances in techniques and technology within anterior segment surgery and comprehensive ophthalmology.
  • Identify complicating factors in anterior segment surgery and develop appropriate treatment plans.
  • Practice hands on surgical skills and techniques in Skills Transfer Labs.
  • Examine external legislative issues and internal business practice issues affecting the field of ophthalmology.

Notice About Off-Label Use Presentations

The ASCRS ASOA Annual Meeting may include presentations on drugs or devices, or uses of drugs or devices that may not have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or have been approved by the FDA for specific uses only. The FDA has stated that it is the responsibility of the physician to determine the FDA clearance status of each drug or device he or she wished to use in clinical practice.

ASCRS is committed to the free exchange of medical education. Inclusion of any presentation in this program, including presentations of off-label uses, does not imply an endorsement by ASCRS of the uses, products, or techniques presented.

Disclosure of Financial Interest

All faculty members are required to disclose whether they, or their spouses, have any financial interest (or lack thereof) from the past 24 months with a company that produces, markets, resells or distribute ophthalmic products or services consumed by, or used on, patients. Faculty members are also required to disclose such information verbally and on their first slide.

ASCRS considers presenting authors, no co-authors, to be in control of the educational content. As a professional courtesy, ASCRS acknowledges co-authors and all people contributing to the research, regardless of CME control of the live presentation of that content. Though they are acknowledged, co-authors do not have control of the CME content and their disclosures are not published or resolved.

Presenter Disclosures

It is an ASCRS requirement that all presenters disclose on the first slide and verbally at the beginning of any presentation whether they have any relevant financial interests from the past 24 months. Presenters are expected to give a fair and balanced presentation.

Control of Content

ASCRS considers the following to be in control of CME educational content:

  • Planners, presenters, moderators and panelists for General Sessions and Symposia
  • Lead instructors and co-instructors for instructional courses
  • Lead authors/presenters of scientific papers
  • Lead authors of scientific posters
  • Lead creators/presenters of scientific films
  • Leaders of Expert Roundtable Sessions

CME Credit Questions

Attendees can claim credits onsite at the Education Hub stations or through the ASCRS ASOA Meeting App.

Send questions on CME credit claiming to [email protected]