Call for Submissions
New! Submit ‘Shorts’ to the Film Festival
The ASCRS Film Festival has created a new category for 2025: ASCRS Shorts!
These films are to be 2 minutes or less, showcasing any clinical category listed on page 21 of the ASCRS Annual Meeting Submission Guide. Read through pages 20–23 of the Submission Guide to find more details about film submissions. The only difference for ASCRS Shorts submissions is their length (again, 2 minutes or less!).
ASCRS Shorts submissions should be completed and sent via this webpage, following the instructions under Scientific Films, by February 18.

Submit an Abstract in 4 Simple Steps

Determine what information you have that the ophthalmic community needs to learn about from the approved topic areas
Limit: One (1) course submission per instructor
Course presentations are instructional and aim to achieve the submitter’s stated educational objective. A course should include enough time for Q & A and ideally interactive discussion built into the 90-minute time frame. Based on previous meeting attendee feedback, consideration will be given to courses that focus on tips that can be immediately implemented into practice (for example, implementing a new paradigm into practice). Potential faculty are reminded to design courses that are scientifically sound and unbiased. All faculty (including instructors and co-instructors) are required to register for the ASCRS Annual Meeting. ASCRS does not pay honoraria or travel/housing expenses for presenters. Speaker registration deadline is March 24, 2025.
If the proposed course has special requirements, please contact us at [email protected].
If the proposed course will be conducted in a language other than English, an English translation of the title, course description, and objectives must also be submitted.
Each instructional course must include one course director/lead instructor and up to 5 co-instructors or speakers, not to exceed 6 total faculty members
If entering co-instructors/faculty, confirm the email address they used when submitting their Financial Interest Disclosure to be able to include them with the electronic submission.
Prior to submitting:
- Invite all co-instructors and faculty to confirm their willingness to participate.
- Notify all co-instructors and faculty that they must complete their Financial Interest Disclosure and ASCRS Faculty CME Review. In accordance with the ACCME’s updated requirements, faculty who have not done so will not be allowed to participate in the course and will not be listed in the Final Program. (See page 6 for details.)
- Ensure that each faculty member and/or co-instructor does not include a presentation that has a conflict of interest.
- If accepted, you must notify all faculty of the scheduled date and time for the course.
- Prepare a comprehensive electronic handout to be included in the ASCRS Meeting App. ASCRS will not accept, photocopy, or distribute handout copies. Further instructions regarding electronic handouts will be sent to lead instructors of accepted courses.
Title (limited to 250 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
The title should accurately and concisely reflect the submission content. For CME purposes, product/trade names cannot be used in the title. Generic descriptors are required. Titles with product/trade names may be rejected. The title should not be formulated as a question or statement (i.e., should not include a verb). Titles should follow title case rules and may be edited by ASCRS editorial staff. Please do not enter the title in all caps.
Choose from the categories and topics available on site.
Course Material Level
Indicate if the course material is:
Please enter the format of the course presentation: (You may select more than one)
Didactic lecture
Surgical or clinical videos
Case presentations (with or without videos)
Instructional surgical steps (with or without demonstration videos)
What is the ONE thing you want the learner to be able to do after attending your course?
I want the learner to be able to:
Change surgical technique/approach
Improve management of surgical complications
Use a systematic approach to improve patient care and/or clinical results
Consider other technology, (e.g., consider a new IOL) to improve surgical outcomes
Course Description (Limited to 450 characters, including space and punctuation)
The course description is the basis upon which attendees select sessions to attend. The course description should include the topics to be presented. Please begin your description with the words “Course will . . .”
For more information, please see the 2025 ASCRS Submission Guide
To begin a submission, please click here
All accepted papers will be limited to 5-minute presentations. Within each session, there will be time for panel discussion. All paper abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed by the ASCRS Program Committee and appropriate Clinical Committees. Abstracts will be graded on content and scientific integrity. Submissions by non-MDs/DOs will be reviewed in the context of the presenter’s training and education.
Submissions are limited to 3 abstracts per person.
- Prior to submitting, the lead author must complete their Financial Interest Disclosure and ASCRS Faculty CME Review.
- Lead authors must notify coauthors to enter their Financial Interest Disclosure and ASCRS Faculty CME Review by February 13, 2025. Authors who do not complete the process cannot be included in the abstract.
Please read the following instructions carefully before completing the submission:
Title (limited to 140characters, including spaces and punctuation)
For CME purposes, product/trade names cannot be used in the title. Generic descriptors are required. Titles with product/trade names may be rejected. The title should not be formulated as a question or statement (i.e., should not include a verb). Titles should follow title case rules and may be edited by ASCRS editorial staff. Please use title case when completing the submission. The title should accurately and concisely reflect the submission content.
Choose from the categories and topics available on site.
Purpose (Limited to 350 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Indicate the question that the study answers or the hypothesis it tests. Do not include names or affiliations of authors. Do not include sponsorships, grants, etc.
Methods (Limited to 700 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Describe the study design, indicating randomization, masking, and whether the data collection was retrospective or prospective, if applicable. Identify the patients, including selection procedures, inclusion criteria, and numbers. Indicate the intervention procedures and the outcome measures.
Results (Limited to 700 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Present the outcomes and measurements. Data should include the level of statistical significance.
Conclusion (Limited to 350 characters including spaces and punctuation)
State the conclusion and clinical pertinence.
For more information, please see the 2025 ASCRS Submission Guide
To begin a submission, please click here
All accepted and uploaded electronic posters will be available for viewing on demand in the Poster Pavilion at the Convention Center during the meeting and available for viewing on the ASCRS website post-meeting. Questions from attendees will be submitted electronically to the lead author’s email. All poster abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed by the ASCRS Program Committee, poster judges, and appropriate Clinical Committees. Abstracts will be graded on content and scientific integrity. Submissions by non-MDs/DOs will be reviewed in the context of the presenter’s training and education. The Poster Judging Committee will select winning Posters from 4 categories: Cataract, Cornea, Glaucoma and Keratorefractive.
Submissions are limited to 3 abstracts per person.
- Prior to submitting, the lead author must complete their Financial Interest Disclosure and ASCRS Faculty CME Review.
- Lead authors must notify coauthors to submit their Financial Interest Disclosure. Those who have not submitted by February 13 cannot be included on the abstract.
- In submitting a poster, the lead author attests that he/she has reviewed each coauthor’s financial interests and determined there is no conflict of interest.
- Lead author must register for the Annual Meeting.
Please read the following instructions carefully before completing the submission:
Title (Limited to 140 characters including spaces and punctuation)
For CME purposes, product/trade names cannot be used in the title. Generic descriptors are required. Titles with product/trade names may be rejected. The title should not be formulated as a question or statement (i.e., should not include a verb). Titles should follow title case rules and may be edited by ASCRS editorial staff. The title should accurately and concisely reflect the submission content.
Choose from the categories and topics available on the site.
Purpose (Limited to 350 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Indicate the question that the study answers or the hypothesis it tests. Do not include names or affiliations of authors. Do not include sponsorships, grants, etc.
Methods (Limited to 700 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Describe the study design, indicating randomization, masking, and whether the data collection was retrospective or prospective, if applicable. Identify the patients, including selection procedures, inclusion criteria, and numbers. Indicate the intervention procedures and outcome measures.
Results (Limited to 700 characters, including space and punctuation)
Present the outcomes and measurements. Data should include the level of statistical significance.
Conclusion (Limited to 350 characters, including space and punctuation)
State the conclusion and clinical pertinence.
Electronic posters selected for an award will be given the opportunity to present live at the meeting in a session moderated by the poster judges. Presentation time/date to be announced by the end of March via email.
For more information, please see the 2025 ASCRS Submission Guide
To begin a submission, please click here
The 43rd ASCRS Film Festival will be held during the 2025 ASCRS Annual Meeting. Winning films are showcased at the ASCRS Annual Meeting during the Film Festival Ceremony. Submitted films are judged, and awards are given to the top films in each category with an overall grand prize winner. In addition, all submitted films are available to view in the ASCRS Education Hub during the ASCRS Annual Meeting and on the ASCRS website, year-round. Award-winning films are also celebrated for their innovation and educational value throughout the year in ASCRS publications, ASCRS social networking sites, ASCRS' CME 24/7 platform, and at other important ophthalmology meetings around the world.
Contact information for films: Lindsay Kunz [email protected]
- September 3: Title and synopsis deadline
- December 6: Submission acceptance notification with edited titles emailed to producer
- January 7 – February 18, 2025: Deadline for film uploads
- April 27, 2025: Film Festival Awards Reception and Ceremony
- Film submission synopses will be peer-reviewed by the ASCRS Program Committee and appropriate Clinical Committee for content and scientific integrity
- Accepted films will be scored by a panel of judges
- Submissions by non-MDs will be reviewed in the context of the presenter’s training and education
- 1 as first producer
- 2 additional film submissions as co-producer, for a total of 3 film submissions
- Film producers must be registered for and attend the 2025 ASCRS Annual Meeting and must attend the ASCRS Film Festival Awards Ceremony to be eligible for final film judging and awards. Registration and proof of badge pickup will be referenced.
- Special circumstances may arise; the producer must send a substitute in their place that is not a member of industry; the substitute will accept, on stage, any award/s that may be given to the film producer
- Send the name of the substitute to Film Festival Program Manager Lindsay Kunz, [email protected]
Responsibilities of the Lead Producer
- Complete their Financial Interest Disclosure and ASCRS Faculty CME Review.
- To add co-producers, notify them to create an account at and submit their Financial Interest Disclosure.
- Co-producers who have not submitted their financial interest disclosure will not be included in the Final Program.
- Your submission will not be reviewed for acceptance until you have completed all the steps.
Film Submission Categories
- Cataract Complications
- Cataract/Implant Surgery
- Glaucoma Surgery
- In-House Productions: A video produced by the author independent of financial or technical resources provided by a professional entity.
- Instruments and Devices/IOLs
- New Producer/Young Physician: Combined category that includes the New Producer of any age and the Young Physician. New Producers can submit in this category if this is their 1st or 2nd film as the lead producer and they have not won in a society Film Festival as the lead producer. A Young Physician producer is in their first 5 years of practice and has not won in a society film festival as the lead producer.
- New Techniques
- Quality Teaching
- Refractive/Cornea Surgery
- Special Interest: Videos that don’t easily fit into the other categories because of their unusual subject matter or unique approach.
Title and Synopsis
- The title should accurately and concisely reflect the submission content
- Product/trade names should not be used in the title and will be edited out; generic descriptors are required
- The title should not be formulated as a question or statement (i.e., should not include a verb)
- Title should follow title case rules and may be edited by ASCRS editorial staff (do not enter the title in all caps)
- Title limit: 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation
- Synopsis: The synopsis should provide a brief overview of your film (Synopsis limit: 400 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
For more information and film specifications, please see the 2025 ASCRS Submission Guide
To begin a submission, please click here
ASCRS is not accepting OPS photo submissions this year. Please contact [email protected] for more information.