Good to Great Surgeon: Working Through Complications | ASCRS
Good to Great Surgeon: Working Through Complications
February 2022
Faculty: Arsham Sheybani, MD, Joey Hsia, MD, Beeran Meghpara, MD, Manjool Shah, MD, Ibrahim Sayed-Ahmed, MD, Okezie Igboeli, MD, C. Maxwell Medert, MD, and Jessica Liu, MD

Join moderator Arsham Sheybani, MD with faculty Joey Hsia, MD, Beeran Meghpara, MD, and Manjool Shah, MD, and presenters Ibrahim Sayed-Ahmed, MD, Okezie Igboeli, MD, C. Maxwell Medert, MD, and Jessica Liu, MD in the fifth YES Connect Webinar, and the first in the Good to Great Surgeon series. In this webinar, residents and fellows will present difficult cases, followed by a panel discussion on what can be learned from each case.
WEbinar Faculty
Arsham Sheybani, MD
Joey Hsia, MD
Beeran Meghpara, MD
Manjool Shah, MD
Ibrahim Sayed-Ahmed, MD
Okezie Igboeli, MD
C. Maxwell Medert, MD
Jessica Liu, MD