MS-6 Having "The Talk" | ASCRS
April 5-8, 2024   |   Boston, MA


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MS-6 Having "The Talk"

About this Session

Session Moderator: Richard Tipperman, MD
Panelists: Daniel H. Chang, MD, ABO, Vance M. Thompson, MD, Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, FACS, Steven J. Dell, MD, Nicole R. Fram, MD, ABO, Alice T. Epitropoulos, MD, FACS, ABO, Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, Elizabeth Yeu, MD, and Patti Barkey, BA, COE

Most of the challenges clinicians experience with presbyopia correcting and advanced technology IOLs are not surgical but rather how io educate, counsel, and manage patients, in an efficient manner, on a variety of topics including appropriate expectations, technology tradeoffs and out of pocket costs. In other words, how to have “The Talk.” In this symposium seasoned physicians will share their personal experiences and strategies with regard to office management and patient counseling so that “The Talk” can be as effective and efficient as possible. A focus will be on “real world” approaches that you can incorporate in your practice next week.

Presentations in this Session