IC-205 DMEK in Complex Eyes and Difficult Circumstances: Quit or Conquer? | ASCRS
IC-205 DMEK in Complex Eyes and Difficult Circumstances: Quit or Conquer?
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Lamis Baydoun, MD, PhD, FEBO
Co-Instructors: Hazem M. Yassin, MD; Rania MS Zaki, MD, FRCSEd; Anas Anbari, MD, PhD, FACS; Sorcha S. Ni Dhubhghaill, MD, PhD, MRCOphth
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Course Description
The course will provide an overview of the wide range of challenging indications and circumstances for DMEK. Individual surgery preparation will show how to facilitate and increase DMEK success. Surgical videos will cover standard challenging cases, for example phakic, glaucoma, advanced bullous keratopathy or post keratoplasty eyes, but also unexpected eye conditions. Intra- and postoperative management options will be depicted and discussed.

Educational Objective
Master DMEK in complex eyes and expect the unexpected during surgery.

2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, on May 5-8, 2023.