Film 92783: Top Tips for the Cataract Surgeon When Undertaking Combined Surgery with the Vitreoretinal Surgeon! | ASCRS
Film 92783: Top Tips for the Cataract Surgeon When Undertaking Combined Surgery with the Vitreoretinal Surgeon!
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Ahmed Sallam, MD, PhD, FRCOphth
Additional Producers: Riley Sanders, MD , ABO
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery
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We will highlight points that cataract surgeon needs to be aware of, including proper non-central wound creation, smaller capsulorhexis with avoiding the unnecessary use of trypan blue staining, IOL choice, no hydration of wounds, and the timing for removing the viscoelastic device from the anterior chamber. We also touch on techniques for improving visualization for eyes with vitreous hemorrhage.