Film 92640: Retrieving the Extending Capsulorhexis- Rules of the Game | ASCRS
Film 92640: Retrieving the Extending Capsulorhexis- Rules of the Game
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Sourabh Patwardhan, MD, DNB, FRCS
Additional Producers: Nidhi Patwardhan, MD, DOMS
Category: Cataract Complications
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Continuous curviliear capsulorhexis(CCC) is essential part of cataract surgery. Incomplete or extended CCC always is a hindrance for going ahead with phacoemulsification procedure. Most beginner surgeons consider CCC as the most challenging and stressful step. Its not rare to find CCC extending into zonules. We will also discuss the methods and rules to retrieve the extended CCC.