Film 89274: Eyeninja: Ninja-Finger I.O.L.X. (What Goes In Must Sometimes Come Out) | ASCRS
Film 89274: Eyeninja: Ninja-Finger I.O.L.X. (What Goes In Must Sometimes Come Out)
May 2023
Meeting: 2023 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Sina Rashidi Kikanloo, MD
Additional Producers: Lawrence Tenkman, MD, ABO
Category: Cataract Complications
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Ninjas love modern multifocal IOLs! As do (most) patients. Unhappy patient seeing more halos than average? Eye with the cataract is seeing way better? YAG that mild PCO, right? Not... even... close! Ninjas take a defensive posture and guard their patients. Ready confidently for battle with an array of ninja moves... especially one borrowed from our battles in DMEK. Introducing: The Ninja Finger.