IC-223 Demodex Blepharitis: Prevalence, Burden and Current Scientific Evidence | ASCRS
IC-223 Demodex Blepharitis: Prevalence, Burden and Current Scientific Evidence
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Eric D. Rosenberg, DO, MSE
Co-Instructors: Elizabeth Yeu, MD, Laura M. Periman, MD, ABO, William B. Trattler, MD, ABO, Mitchell A. Jackson, MD, ABO, Usiwoma Abugo, MD, ABO, Helen K. Wu, MD, ABO
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Course Description
This course will review and highlight the clinical relevance of Demodex blepharitis (DB) among eye care patients. Through video and case studies, the audience will be able to more confidently identify blepharitis and identify DB via collarettes, the pathognomonic sign of Demodex blepharitis. Clinical burden, risk factors, comorbid diseases, and latest scientific evidence on current and emerging treatments for DB will be explored.

Educational Objective
Use a systematic approach to improve management of Demodex blepharitis and lid health

2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on April 22-25.