Film 83520: When Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going: Managing a Sclerotic Hypermature Spherophakia. | ASCRS
Film 83520: When Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going: Managing a Sclerotic Hypermature Spherophakia.
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Saumendranath Ghose, MS
Producers: Arup Bhaumik, MS; Ayan Mohanta, MS
Category: New Producer/Young Physician
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42 yrs. old with BE spherophakia & PSSC underwent uneventful LE phaco+foldable+CTR +2CTS fixation & gained 6/9 vision.But she came for RE cataract surgery after 2 years.This time her cataract became sclerotic hypermature & with severe >180° ZD.During surgery we failed to get a proper rhexis & had to shift to planB.We removed the lens through a sclero-corneal tunnel and did a scleral fixated IOL.