Film 82080: The Compass Guiding Your Way through Thin Ice. Manual DALK Assisted By Intraoperative Anterior Segment OCT in a Patient with Keratoconus | ASCRS
Film 82080: The Compass Guiding Your Way through Thin Ice. Manual DALK Assisted By Intraoperative Anterior Segment OCT in a Patient with Keratoconus
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Roxana Becerril-Cazadero, MD
Producers: Valeria Sanchez-Huerta, FACS, MD; Christian Sebastian Arellano, MD
Category: Refractive/Cornea Surgery
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A 15-year old male with keratoconus presented with a central leukoma, visual capacity of 20/400, and poor tolerance to contact lens in the left eye. We performed manual DALK assisted by intraoperative AS-OCT. Central scarring and thinning were assessed during surgery guiding the dissection and helping the surgeon maintain a safe plane.