Film 81957: Second Anterior Lens Capsule Found during Cataract Surgery Post-Vitrectomy | ASCRS
Film 81957: Second Anterior Lens Capsule Found during Cataract Surgery Post-Vitrectomy
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Laura Drew-Bear, MD
Producers: Mya Abousy, BA; J. Fernando Arevalo, MD; Ashley Behrens, MD
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery
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Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with silicone oil tamponade can cause anterior lens capsule changes that can complicate capsulorrhexis. We found a membrane acting as a second anterior lens capsule during cataract surgery following a PPV for retinal detachment. This film may better prepare ophthalmologists for similar ocular pathologies that they may encounter intraoperatively.