Film 80247: Technique for Scleral Sutured Lens Implantation in Complex Penetrating Keratoplasty | ASCRS
Film 80247: Technique for Scleral Sutured Lens Implantation in Complex Penetrating Keratoplasty
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Eric Weinlander
Producers: Amy Lin, MD; Brett M. Gudgel
Category: New Techniques
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Scleral sutured lens implantation during penetrating keratoplasty is a high-risk procedure when lens fixation is performed open-sky. We present a modification of the suture-needle snare technique (Weinlander et al. JCRS 2021) that avoids open-sky lens fixation. This modification enables scleral sutured lens implantation to be done under a temporary keratoprosthesis or prior to host cornea removal.