Film 80136: Single "Belt-Loop" Technique for a Subluxated One-Piece Intraocular Lens | ASCRS
Film 80136: Single "Belt-Loop" Technique for a Subluxated One-Piece Intraocular Lens
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Presenting Author: Eric D. Rosenberg, DO, MSE
Producers: Alanna S. Nattis, DO
Category: New Techniques
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Dislocated IOLs pose a unique challenge. Available options to treat these patients include IOL exchange for a Yamane, AC, or iris fixated IOL. While all these options are well tolerated, they may require larger wounds, additional equipment, or advanced techniques. Utilizing 3D digital visualization, we present a case of a 92yoM who underwent a belt loop technique in lieu of a larger procedure.