Lessons Learnt during the Pandemic - Can We Uberise Eye Care? | ASCRS
Film 75434: Lessons Learnt during the Pandemic - Can We Uberise Eye Care?
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

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Film ID: 75434
Presenting Author: Rengaraj Venkatesh, MD 
Producers: Pavan Kumar, DNB, DOMS
Category: Special Interest

COVID-19 pandemic affected people in need of eye care especially chronic conditions glaucoma and DR. Telemedicine has lot of limitations and so we sent trained technician to home of patients for visual fields, fundus photography and IOP and tele-consultation. This uberisation of eye care seems to be valuable even for future in reducing travel of debilitated patients and also as a job opportunity.