University of California San Francisco Department of Ophthalmology
ASCRS Grand Rounds Presented by the University of California San Francisco Department of Ophthalmology
Join moderators Terry Kim, MD and Sumitra Khandelwal, MD with faculty and residents covering case presentations, clinical pearls, and engaging panel discussions.
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Case 1: “Cornification and the Cornea”
Presented by Zeeshan Haq, MD
A 43-year-old man with a history of congenital lamellar ichthyosis and crystal meth use presented with painful vision loss in his right eye and was found to have exposure keratopathy due to severe cicatricial ectropion with secondary polymicrobial infectious keratitis with marked stromal necrosis and descemetocele. What medical management should be instituted? If surgical intervention is indicated, what procedures should be performed?
Case 2: "It's the Cataract's Fall(t): Cataract Surgery in the Post-Myopic LASIK Patient"
Presented by Benyam Kinde, MD
A 56-year-old woman underwent myopic LASIK (twice in the right eye and once in the left eye) 20 years ago. Over the last 10 years, she had noted progressive blurry vision, and was found to have a -11 diopter myopic shift. The distinction between post-LASIK ectasia and refractive changes due to cataract formation is important. We discuss the surgical implications for cataract surgery in the post-myopic LASIK eye and the use of the light-adjustable lens system.

Soroosh Behshad, MD

Nandini Venkateswaran, MD

Kenneth Beckman, MD

David Chang, MD

Saras Ramanathan, MD

Julie Schallhorn, MD, MS

Gerami Seitzman, MD

Zeeshan Haq, MD

Benyam Kinde, MD