Pars plana vitrectomy with lensectomy and Scleral fixation intraouclar lens in Ectopia lentis caused by Marfan Syndrome | ASCRS
Film 78080: Pars plana vitrectomy with lensectomy and Scleral fixation intraouclar lens in Ectopia lentis caused by Marfan Syndrome
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

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Film ID: 78080
Presenting Author: Girish Chandra, FRCOphth 
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery

In this video we demonstrate the removal of ectopic lens via pars plana vitrectomy and the novel fixation of a four piece Akreos IOL witht Gortex sutures.