Benefits of a Next-Generation 3D Heads-up Digital Visualization System Versus Standard Surgical Microscopes during Anterior Segment Surgery | ASCRS
Film 75836: Benefits of a Next-Generation 3D Heads-up Digital Visualization System Versus Standard Surgical Microscopes during Anterior Segment Surgery
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
This content is only available for ASCRS Members

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Film ID: 75836
Presenting Author: Robert Weinstock, MD
Producers: Patricia Franco, MD; William Wiley, MD; Lu Yin, PhD 
Category: Cataract/Implant Surgery

Recognizing that there are limitations of analog microscopes, we present a case series of anterior segment surgeries to demonstrate that a 3D heads-up digital visualization system provides better visualization with up to 48% higher magnification, 5-fold extended depth of field, and 42% finer depth. We also present additional benefits experienced with this shift from analog to a 3D heads-up system.