Challenge to Investigate the Cause of Toric IOL Rotation Using Intraoperative OCT | ASCRS
Film 73752: Challenge to Investigate the Cause of Toric IOL Rotation Using Intraoperative OCT
July 2021
Meeting: 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting
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Film ID: 73752
Presenting Author: Kei Ichikawa, MD
Producers: Kazuo Ichikawa, PhD, MD; Yukihito Kato; Yoshiki Tanaka, PhD; Seiji Tokiwa
Category: Instruments & Devices/IOLs

This study is find out the cause, we used intraoperative OCT to confirm the condition of the toric IOL during surgery. As a result, it was possible to observe that BSS remained between the toric IOL and the posterior capsule. In these cases, we succeeded to eliminate the BSS under the toric IOL by lowering the intraocular pressure.